Wednesday, October 5, 2016

First Fall Hike of 2016

When Hiker and I got up this morning, I noticed what a beautiful morning it was here in the Santa Clarita Valley. I decided to put Hiker in the car and driver over to Towsley Canyon for a short walk.

I am so out of shape for a hike. I have not been out on the mountain trails since last spring because it is too hot here in the summer time to go out. I was going to hike the Elder Trail, but it looked a little steeper that what I was ready for so instead we started up the 1.5 mile trail.

There were a lot of people out on the trail. I often wonder why there are always so many people out hiking instead of working.

I have taken Hiker hiking in Towsley Canyon many times, mostly up into The Narrows, but I had never taken her along this specific trail. She seemed to be enjoying herself.

Took a shot of the two of us at the bottom of the trail just before we left to head home.